All stores are now fully encrypted

Traditionally, most ecommerce websites use SSL encryption technology to protect a shopper’s personal information during the checkout process. While the checkout process is secure, all other traffic to the ecommerce website uses the old, unsecured HTTP protocol. This has been the common practice for about twenty years.

It’s time for an upgrade.

Today, we’re pushing for a safer, more secure internet by ensuring all pages, content, data...everything, on all 200,000+ online stores powered by Shopify can be accessed using SSL encryption. Not only will this ensure that no data could be intercepted as it goes over the network, but it will also help merchants build customer trust. This is the right thing for ecommerce in 2016.

To make this possible, we’ve issued and set up SSL certificates for every Shopify store. And because we feel this is important, we did it at no additional cost to existing or future Shopify merchants. You can now easily encrypt your online store by clicking “Activate SSL certificates” in your Shopify account. Once activated, all your traffic will be redirected from HTTP to encrypted HTTPS.

Shopify year in review - 2015

2015 was an amazing year at Shopify. In our mission to make commerce better for everyone, and to spread entrepreneurship around the globe, we launched an unprecedented number of new features and products, and we grew our community of merchants to over 243,000 businesses in over 150 different countries. Our merchants have been busy as well - they sold an incredible amount of products that generated billions of dollars in revenue.

Team communication & collaboration

Shopify have recently announced a new feature which will help store owners who share the admin duties with other members of staff.

Timeline is a new feature that allows store admins to communicate between themselves, leaving notes and messages for each other through the admin interface. Notes and messages are not customer facing and can serve ti be valuable reminders on specific orders or customers.

Timeline example

As many store owners use third party tools for store related communication, we think this is a great addition to the Shopify platform.